Business Assistant
Business Assistant.iso
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Text File
1,550 lines
563 Patricia Drive, Oakville,
Ontario, Canada L6K 1M4
Telephone : (416) 845 7959
30th. July 1988
Take a Look at the Slide Show
This file forms part of the overall documentation. We strongly
suggest that you take a look at the Slide Show for an overview of
what this system is all about. The Slide Show is contained in
PAYUS21A.ARC AND PAYUS21B.ARC and these will have been unpacked onto
the C:\PAYSLIDE directory.
To see the Slide Show:
Where to find More Documentation
We also suggest you may wish to look at the following files for
additional information on specific points:
PAYUS21B.ARC Contains:
INSTALL TXT 14364 7-29-88 Installation Guide / File List
SAMP_RPT TXT 47685 7-28-88 Sample Reports
Once the .ARC files are unpacked the above two .TXT files will
be found on C:\PAYSLIDE . They can be read on your screen, and/or
printed out, from the RUNSLIDE menu. (The Slide Show itself can
also be seen and/or printed out from the RUNSLIDE menu).
PAYUS21C.ARC Contains:
BACKUP TXT 9797 7-26-88 Information on Backing Up Employees
PUSAFORM TXT 1721 6-04-87 Optional Employee Data Collection Form
INVOICE TXT 2449 7-25-88 Order form to Register
NEWVIEWS DOC 11576 7-25-88 NewViews Users, how to import PAYUSA
Once the .ARC files are unpacked the above three .TXT files and
the above .DOC file will be found on C:\PAYPGMS
Also in PAYUS21C.ARC and unpacked onto C:\PAYPGMS you will find
PRINTDOC EXE 9700 7-30-88 Prints or Displays ALL documentation
If you run the above program by typing PRINTDOC at the DOS
Prompt for C:\PAYPGMS and pressing Enter it will print or display on
the screen your choice of any or all or the documentation including
the files that can be printed from RUNSLIDE, but excluding the Slide
Show which can only be printed from RUNSLIDE as it has to be
specially processed by the DEMOPRN.EXE program to translate the
screens into printable characters. You even have an option to
transfer to RUNSLIDE from PRINTDOC .
Also, the Employee Update program (PAYUSEDT.EXE), and the Check
and Report Print program (PAYUSPRT.EXE), both have main menu choices
to read additional Program / Registration Information (which
includes our legal Limitation of Liability statement, and our fee
for telephone consultations in excess of the free 30 minutes allowed
with each Registration). All users, Registered or Not, are deemed
to have read it so please take a look at it.
In addition to all this, the programs themselves are menu
driven and contain lots of helpful information which is presented as
it might be needed.
Taking a Look at the Working Programs
So, you have at least read the INSTALL.TXT file and seen the
Slide Show, now you want to get PAYROLL USA working.
To use the PAYROLL USA system
If you have a CGA video card you will see a graphic title
The PAYUSA.EXE program is a Menu program which makes it easier
to run the other component programs from "Pay Menu".
PAYUSA.EXE first checks for the existance of the PAYUSA.CNF
file which contains the customisable Configuration information. If
this file does not exist then it knows you are a new user and
immediately transfers you to the Configuration program where you are
asked for which drive and directory you want the employee files to
be stored on. There are default values in all new Configuration
choices and you can just press Enter if you find these acceptable.
It also asks for permission to copy our supplied test employee files
into the data directories. You should reply Y so you can use them
to get a feel for the system. You can replace them later with your
own Employees (simply ERASE \PAYIN and ERASE \PAYOUT to get rid of
our test employees) once you get the hang of it. Our test files
will be on C:\PAYPGMS after you unpack the distribution disks, and
they will be copied into C:\PAYIN when you answer this prompt with a
Y. After the copy you are taken to the Configuration Menu where you
can either set up other choices or you can press Esc to return to
the PAYUSA.EXE main "Pay Menu". For now, press Esc. PAYUSA.CNF is
now created but can be easily changed if you return here later to
customise our defaults to your own requirements.
Choices can be made from "Pay Menu" by moving the bright bar
with the arrow keys or space bar. The default choice is "Read or
Update Employee File" so just press Enter. After reading our
promotional message you will arrive at the employee update menu.
Choices can be made by moving the bright bar with the arrow keys
then pressing Enter or by pressing the Function Key shown for that
choice. Select F2 Update Existing Employee and you will be
presented with another menu asking how you want to find the
employees (with many different ways offered).
Once set up, Salaried employees usually need no changes on a
pay by pay basis unless their salary is changed or they are off sick
etc. However, hourly paid people will need their hours to be input
for each pay, so the default choice is F4 Find ALL Active Non
Salaried. We can just press Enter to take that choice. This will
cause the identification of the first matching employee to be
displayed with a choice of do you want to look at this person
(simply press Enter), do you want to skip this one and go on to the
next (change the TRUE to FALSE - or press Ctrl Y which is a short
cut to do the same thing - and press Enter, or do you want to end
the search (press End or Esc). For now, just press Enter to look at
this person.
You are then presented with a menu asking which screens you
want to see. In a normal hours entry, all you need is the default
F6 Current Hours screen. The hours can then be entered and to
finish with this employee just press End then when the Double Check
window pops up press Y to save your changes to disk. The search
will then continue and the identification of the next matching
employee will be displayed. In a normal pay hours set up you would
just go through in this manner until hours for every employee were
entered. Employees found this way will normally be presented in
alphabetical order (they are sorted in the previous pay cycle into
groups by status and pay method and into alphabetical order within
each group). It may be faster if you have their time cards in the
same sequence. For large employers of hourly paid people we have a
rapid hours entry program which is even faster than this, but it
costs extra (call for details).
Because this is your first look at PAYROLL USA we will instead
take a tour through the employee record so you can see what is on
there. From the menu asking which screens you want to see press F1
to bring up the first of the basic information screens. Once that
screen is displayed (name, address, etc.) the line editor is active
and pressing F1 from there will display the editor command set
(works from any employee or configuration input screen). Note that
Tab or Enter will go from field to field, up arrow and down arrow go
up and down a line at a time, Pg Up and Pg Dn will go up and down a
screen at a time, Home will return you to the menu asking which
screen you want to see, and End will exit from this e